TWIN Vault Connector Hashicorp
Vault connector implementation using Hashicorp.
npm install
The tests developed are functional tests and need an instance of Hashicorp Vault up and running. To run Hashicorp Vault locally:
docker run -d --name twin-vault-hashicorp --cap-add=IPC_LOCK -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=root' -p 8200:8200 hashicorp/vault:1.18.0
After starting the vault, you need to do the following steps within the docker shell, launch the shell using:
docker exec -t -i twin-vault-hashicorp sh
- Set the environment variables for the vault address and token:
export VAULT_ADDR=""
export VAULT_TOKEN="root"
- Enable the transit secret engine:
vault secrets enable -address="" transit
Afterwards you can run the tests from your development environment as follows:
npm run test
Usage of the APIs is shown in the examples docs/
Detailed reference documentation for the API can be found in docs/reference/
The changes between each version can be found in docs/