This is the overview of the packages.
- @twin.org/engine-models - Models which define the structure of the engine.
- @twin.org/engine-core - Engine core.
- @twin.org/engine-types - Types to use in an engine.
- @twin.org/engine-server-types - Server types to use in an engine server.
- @twin.org/engine - Engine implementation.
- @twin.org/engine-server - Engine implementation for a server.
- @twin.org/nameof-transformer - A TypeScript transformer which converts types and properties to their actual name for use at runtime
- @twin.org/nameof-vitest-plugin - A Vitest plugin which perform the nameof transformation
- @twin.org/nameof - Provides the definitions for the methods which are processed by the nameof-transformer
- @twin.org/merge-locales - Tool to merge locale files from all dependencies
- @twin.org/ts-to-openapi - Tool to convert TypeScript REST route definitions to OpenAPI Specifications
- @twin.org/ts-to-schema - Tool to convert TypeScript definitions to JSON schemas
- @twin.org/core - Helper methods/classes for data type checking/validation/guarding/error handling
- @twin.org/entity - Helpers for defining and working with entities
- @twin.org/crypto - Contains helper methods and classes which implement cryptographic functions
- @twin.org/image - Classes for image manipulation
- @twin.org/qr - Package for creating QR codes
- @twin.org/web - Contains classes for use with web operations
- @twin.org/modules - Helper classes for loading and executing from modules
- @twin.org/cli-core - Core classes for building a CLI
- @twin.org/standards-w3c-did - Models which define the structure of W3C DID Standard
- @twin.org/data-core - Definitions and helpers for using with data and schemas
- @twin.org/data-json-ld - Models which define the structure of JSON LD
- @twin.org/data-framework - Models which define the structure of framework types
- @twin.org/data-schema-org - Models which define the structure of schema.org Standard
- @twin.org/data-gs1 - Models which define the structure of GS1 Standard
- @twin.org/data-unece - Models which define the structure of UN/CEFACT Standard
- @twin.org/data-vda - Models which define the structure of VDA JAIF Standard
- @twin.org/api-models - Contains models and classes for use with APIs
- @twin.org/api-core - Core classes for use with APIs
- @twin.org/api-processors - Route processors for use with API servers
- @twin.org/api-server-fastify - Use Fastify as the core web server for APIs
- @twin.org/api-service - Information contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/api-rest-client - Information contract implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
- @twin.org/api-auth-entity-storage-models - Models which define the structure of the Auth Entity Storage contracts.
- @twin.org/api-auth-entity-storage-service - Auth Entity Storage contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/api-auth-entity-storage-rest-client - Perform REST authentication using entity storage.
Entity Storage
- @twin.org/entity-storage-models - Models which define the structure of the entity storage contracts and connectors
- @twin.org/entity-storage-connector-memory - Entity Storage connector implementation using in-memory storage
- @twin.org/entity-storage-service - Entity Storage contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/entity-storage-rest-client - Entity Storage contract implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
- @twin.org/entity-storage-connector-file - Entity Storage connector implementation using file storage
- @twin.org/entity-storage-connector-scylladb - Entity Storage connector implementation using ScyllaDB
- @twin.org/entity-storage-connector-dynamodb - Entity Storage connector implementation using DynamoDb storage
- @twin.org/entity-storage-connector-gcp-firestore - Entity Storage connector implementation using GCP Firestore storage
- @twin.org/entity-storage-connector-cosmosdb - Entity Storage connector implementation using CosmosDB storage
Blob Storage
- @twin.org/blob-storage-models - Models which define the structure of the blob storage contracts and connectors
- @twin.org/blob-storage-connector-memory - Blob Storage connector implementation using in-memory storage
- @twin.org/blob-storage-service - Blob storage contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/blob-storage-rest-client - Blob storage implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
- @twin.org/blob-storage-connector-file - Blob Storage connector implementation using file storage
- @twin.org/blob-storage-connector-ipfs - Blob Storage connector implementation using IPFS
- @twin.org/blob-storage-connector-aws-s3 - Blob Storage connector implementation using AWS S3
- @twin.org/blob-storage-connector-azure - Blob Storage connector implementation using Azure
- @twin.org/blob-storage-connector-gcp - Blob Storage connector implementation using Google Cloud Storage
- @twin.org/logging-models - Models which define the structure of the logging connectors and services
- @twin.org/logging-connector-console - Logging connector implementation using the console
- @twin.org/logging-connector-entity-storage - Logging connector implementation using entity storage
- @twin.org/logging-service - Logging contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/logging-rest-client - Logging contract implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
- @twin.org/telemetry-models - Models which define the structure of the telemetry connectors and services
- @twin.org/telemetry-connector-entity-storage - Telemetry connector implementation using entity storage
- @twin.org/telemetry-service - Telemetry contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/telemetry-rest-client - Telemetry contract implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
Background Tasks
- @twin.org/background-task-models - Models which define the structure of the background task contracts and connectors
- @twin.org/background-task-connector-entity-storage - Background task connector implementation using entity storage
Event Bus
- @twin.org/event-bus-models - Models which define the structure of the event bus contracts and connectors
- @twin.org/event-bus-connector-local - Event bus connector implementation local communication
- @twin.org/event-bus-service - Event bus service implementation using web sockets
- @twin.org/event-bus-client - Event bus component implementation which can connect to endpoints
- @twin.org/vault-models - Models which define the structure of the vault contracts and connectors
- @twin.org/vault-connector-entity-storage - Vault connector implementation using entity storage
- @twin.org/vault-connector-hashicorp - Vault connector implementation using Hashicorp storage
Distributed Ledger
- @twin.org/dlt-iota - DLT helpers for use with IOTA
- @twin.org/wallet-models - Models which define the structure of the wallet contracts and connectors
- @twin.org/wallet-connector-entity-storage - Wallet connector implementation using entity storage
- @twin.org/wallet-connector-iota - Wallet connector implementation using IOTA
- @twin.org/identity-models - Models which define the structure of the contracts and connectors
- @twin.org/identity-connector-entity-storage - Identity connector implementation using entity storage
- @twin.org/identity-service - Identity contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/identity-rest-client - Identity contract implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
- @twin.org/identity-connector-iota - Identity connector implementation using IOTA
- @twin.org/nft-models - Contains models and classes for use with NFTs
- @twin.org/nft-connector-iota - Implementation of the NFT connector using IOTA
- @twin.org/nft-connector-entity-storage - Implementation of the NFT connector using entity storage
- @twin.org/nft-service - NFT contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/nft-rest-client - NFT contract implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
Immutable Storage
- @twin.org/immutable-storage-models - Contains models and classes for use with immutable storage
- @twin.org/immutable-storage-connector-iota - Implementation of the Immutable Storage connector using IOTA
- @twin.org/immutable-storage-connector-entity-storage - Implementation of the Immutable Storage connector using entity storage
Immutable Proof
- @twin.org/immutable-proof-models - Models which define the structure of the immutable proof connectors and services
- @twin.org/immutable-proof-task - Background task for generating the proof
- @twin.org/immutable-proof-service - Immutable proof contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/immutable-proof-rest-client - Immutable Proof contract implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
- @twin.org/attestation-models - Models which define the structure of the attestation connectors and services
- @twin.org/attestation-connector-entity-storage - Attestation connector implementation using entity storage
- @twin.org/attestation-connector-iota - Attestation connector implementation using IOTA
- @twin.org/attestation-connector-open-attestation - Attestation connector implementation using OpenAttestation
- @twin.org/attestation-service - Attestation contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/attestation-rest-client - Attestation contract implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
Auditable Item Graph
- @twin.org/auditable-item-graph-models - Models which define the structure of the auditable item graph connectors and services
- @twin.org/auditable-item-graph-service - Auditable Item Graph contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/auditable-item-graph-rest-client - Auditable Item Graph contract implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
Auditable Item Stream
- @twin.org/auditable-item-stream-models - Models which define the structure of the auditable item stream connectors and services
- @twin.org/auditable-item-stream-service - Auditable Item Stream contract implementation and REST endpoint definitions
- @twin.org/auditable-item-stream-rest-client - Auditable Item Stream contract implementation which can connect to REST endpoints
- @twin.org/ui-tailwind - UI package for tailwind
- @twin.org/ui-components-react - UI components for react
- @twin.org/ui-components-svelte - UI components for svelte